2019-2020 Eğitim Öğretim Yılından İtibaren ÇAP'a Başlayan Öğrenciler İçin Uygulanan ÇAP Programı

FIZ 101E Physics I Z 3 3 0
FIZ 101EL Physics I Laboratory Z 1 0 2
BLG 112E Discrete Mathematics Z 3 3 0
BLG 102E Intr to Sci&Eng Comp (C) Z 4 3 2
MAT 210E * Engineering Mathematics Z 4 4 0
MAT 281E Linear Algebra and Applicat. Z 3 3 0
BLG 231E Digital Circuits Z 3 3 0
BLG 223E Data Structures Z 3.5 3 1
BLG 252E Object Oriented Programming Z 3 3 0
BLG 242E Logic Circuits Laboratory Z 1 0 2
BLG 202E Numerical Methods in CE Z 3 3 0
BLG 335E Analysis of Algorithms I Z 3 3 0
BLG 336E Analysis of Algorithms II Z 3 3 0
BLG 222E Computer Organization Z 3 3 0
BLG 212E Microprocessor Systems Z 3 3 0
BLG 317E Database Systems Z 3 3 0
BLG 351E Microcomputer Lab. Z 1 0 2
BLG 311E Formal Languages and Automata Z 3 3 0
BLG 312E Computer Operating Systems Z 3 3 0
BLG 322E Computer Architecture Z 3 3 0
BLG 354E Signal&Systems for Comp.Eng. Z 3 3 0
BLG 411E Software Engineering Z 3 3 0
BLG 4901E Computer Engineering Design I Z 3 1 4
BLG 4902E Computer Engineering Design II Z 5 1 8
Seçime Bağlı Ders(MT)/Elective Course (MT) I S 2 2 0
Seçime Bağlı Ders(MT)/Elective Course (MT) II S 2 2 0
TOPLAM KREDİ 74,5 (70,5)


* 1. Anadallarında MAT 210E alan öğrenciler bu dersten muaf sayılır.