Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
MIM 114E Accessibility English Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
2 2 2 0 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites None
Class Restriction None
Course Description
In this fundamental course the concept of accessibility design-universal design is examined and discussed in relation to the principle of no discrimination-equal status and the different scales of design:, planning, architecture and interior architecture- product design. The approach of the course is to developing design students with an understanding of design as a multidimensional and multi-scale process in accessibility studies involving problem resolution and the discovery of new opportunities that will create value for all. Particularly, the course addresses by referring to different design scales, the fundamental knowledge on disability and elderly people as well as other groups who have the potential to be discriminated by design; social, psychological and demographic situation; the kinds of disability, accessories, equipment and building elements for the disabled and elderly; building and home design for the disabled and elderly; laws; new standards and design criteria of the urban environment for the disabled and elderly are given.