Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
TES 121E Project II English Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
5 8 2 6 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites TES 111E MIN DD
or TES 111 MIN DD
or EUT 121 MIN DD
or EUT 121E MIN DD
or SBP 111 MIN DD
or SBP 111E MIN DD
or MIM 111 MIN DD
or MIM 111E MIN DD
or MIM 115 MIN DD
or MIM 115E MIN DD
Class Restriction None
Course Description
The course develops the students design practice through research, analysis, conceptualization, interpretation, planning, systematization, composition, experimentation, construction and production. Design is relayed through relationships among human-nature-culture within the scope of the environment. The course subjects include concepts and theories of contemporary art and design and planning and design within the scope of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, law and sociology; presentation techniques in design and planning; the experience of urban space within the scope of social and urban related dynamics; spatial experience; user experience within the scope of form and function; scale, sustainability and universal design; participatory design and planning; identity of product/space; relationships among materials, building and construction, ergonomy and antrophometry. Students conduct experimental studies related to motion, texture, color and light. Students develop the ability to perceive, evaluate and express their designs through the concepts of structure, meaning, function and identity.