Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
MTR 202 Makam Theory IV Turkish Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
4 6 2 4 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites MTR 201 MIN CC
or MTR 201E MIN CC
Class Restriction None
Course Description
Continuation of transposed makams. Learning Hicazkar and Zİrgüleli Suzinak makams which transposition of Zirgüleli Hicaz makam scale, Leraning Kürdilihicazkar makam which transposition of Kürdi makam scale, Learning concepts of compound makam and special compound makam. Learning Saba makam, (Çargah, Bestenigar makams), Segah, Müstear, Hüzzam, Nikriz and Neveser makams. Learning Çifte Düyek, Fer, Nim Hafif, Fahte, Çenber, Nim Sakil, Eksik Zencir usuls and being able to make related applications. Practicing with sample etudes, pieces and melodic progression exercises in learned makams and usuls. Being able to make makam analysis and general overview.