Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
MET 213E Fundamentals of Materials Science English Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
2.5 8 2 1 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites None
Class Restriction None
Course Description
A general introduction to materials science, emphasizing the importance of materials science for materials engineering, basic classification of material, atomic structure and bonding, bond types, crystal and amorphous structures, miller indices, directions and planes in crystalline structures, imperfections and defects, pure metal, alloy, solid solution concepts, diffusion, mechanical properties of materials and control of microstructure and related engineering standards, introduction to phase diagrams and eutectic alloys, enhancing physical properties by various methods and heat treatments, materials production methods and nowadays engineering materials, engineering materials in the perspective of ferrous alloys, non-ferrous alloys, ceramic, polymer and composites and emphasizing important materials, research topics for future materials.