Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
MIM 4030 Lighting in Cultural and Art Centers Turkish Elective
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
2 4 1 2 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites MIM 242 MIN DD
or MIM 242E MIN DD
or MIM 246 MIN DD
or MIM 246E MIN DD
or (ICM 331 MIN DD
and ICM 332 MIN DD)

or (ICM 331E MIN DD
and ICM 332E MIN DD)

Class Restriction None
Course Description
Basic principles related to lighting of culture and art centers are investigated, natural and artificial lighting design in actual examples are searched and discussed. Basing on this information, lighting design in an existing building is analyzed and a new lighting project is prepared. During the development of the lighting project; providing visual comfort requirements, protection of display objects from the damage of light, efficient use of energy and integration of lighting with other sub-systems in the building should be taken into account. Actual simulation techniques are used in lighting project development and submission.