Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
SES 4118 Style Repertoire IV Turkish Compulsory
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
4.5 4 3 3 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites None
Class Restriction None
Course Description
Performance of pieces measured with simple rhythmic patterns and composed with Şarkı form in Nişaburek, Evcara, Rehavi, Pençgah, Muhayyerkürdi, Muhayyer Sünbüle,Arazbar Buselik, Isfahan and Nihavend-i Kebir makams. Performance of pieces composed in Kar, Beste, Ağır Semai and Yürük Semai forms in Nişaburek, Evcara, Rehavi, Pençgah, Muhayyerkürdi, Muhayyer Sünbüle,Arazbar Buselik, Isfahan and Nihavend-i Kebir makams.