Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
EHB 413E Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design I English Elective
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
3 6 3 0 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites (EHB 322 MIN DD
or EHB 322E MIN DD)

and (EHB 335 MIN DD
or EHB 335E MIN DD)

Class Restriction None
Course Description
General look at IC design ecosystem. IC device cross section analysis. Introduction to Cadence design environment, Schematic design, analog circuit simulations. IC layout, back annotation and simulations with parasitic effects, passive IC components, MOSFET models, analog building block design and analysis. Single transistor amplifiers, current sources, reference circuits, freq domain analysis, feedback amplifiers, stability of feedback circuits.