Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
EUT 445E Visual Design Theory in the Information Age English Elective
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
3 4 3 0 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites None
Class Restriction None
Course Description
To give students a basic understanding of the theories and methodology that goes into designing in multimedia environments in primarily the World Wide Web, CDROMs, interactive kiosks mobile telephones, personal digital assistants, and electronic interactive signage. By familiarizing themselves with the basic concepts that organize these newly developing electronic and information mediae, students will be able to prepare for the combined design and intellectual challenges that multimedia designers face today. Topics include: 1. Image & Representation 2. Hyperreality 3. Network & Information Systems in the Environment 4. Information Architecture 5. Information Design 6. Interactive Design 7. Principles of Interface Design 8.Visual Communication Design