Course Information

Course Code:
Course Number:
Code Course Name Language Type
EHB 456E Antennas English Elective
Local Credits ECTS Theoretical Tutorial Laboratory
3 6 3 0 0
Course Prerequisites and Class Restriction
Prerequisites EHB 313 MIN DD
or EHB 313E MIN DD
or EHB 337 MIN DD
or EHB 337E MIN DD
Class Restriction None
Course Description
Usage of antenna on communication systems, the antenna structure and the basic parameters. Wave components of the current source, analytical expressions. Wire antennas, features and parameters. Loop antennas parameters. Antenna arrays and their properties. Microstrip antennas characteristics and feeding types. The software tools to analyse and synthesize the antenna structures. Aperture, reflector, slotted antenna types and their properties. Special-purpose antennas structures. Antenna measurement techniques.