Student's Catalog Term: After 2021-2022 Fall Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTS
CEV 460EWater Supply and Environmental Sanitation II2.52104
INS 414EOceanography2.52104
INS 420ESteel Bridges2.52104
INS 423EFundamentals of Earthquake Engineering2.52104
INS 424EReinforced Concrete Structures2.52104
INS 428EIrrigation and Drainage2.52104
INS 430EDams2.52104
INS 434EPlastic Design of Steel Structures2.52104
INS 436ETunnelling Design and Construction2.52104
INS 438EGeotechnical Earthquake Engineering2.52104
INS 440ESpecial Topics in Theory of Structures2.52104
INS 442EReinforced Concrete Foundations2.52104
INS 444ESteel Structures II2.52104
INS 446EDesign of Steel Structures2.52104
INS 447EAdvanced Concrete Technology2.52014
INS 448EHydroelectric Power Plants2.52104
INS 450EReinforced Concrete III2.52104
INS 452EComputer Aided Analysis in Structurel Engineering2.52104
INS 454EFormwork in Reinforced Concrete Structures2.52104
INS 456EEarthquake Resistant Design of Structures2.52104
INS 458EPrestressed Concrete2.52104
INS 464ESubstructures in Transportation2.52104
INS 466EConcrete Pavement Design2.52104
INS 468EFoundation Engineering II2.52104
INS Environmental Geotechnics2.52104
INS 474EJuridical Aspects of Constructions Management2.52104
INS 476EMulti-story Steel Buildings2.52104
INS 478EFatigue of Metal Structural Members2.52104
INS 490ECoastal and Harbor Structures2.52104
INS 494EExperimental Hydraulics2.52104