Student's Catalog Term: After 2021-2022 Fall Semester

1. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
MAT 103E
Mathematics I43206BSC1
TES 111E
Project I52608EDC1
TES 112E
Visual Communication I: Visualization and Technical Drawing32204EDC1
BIL 100E
Introduction to Programming Language (PYTHON)21024.5BEC1
TES 113E
Basic Design and Visual Arts20403EDC1
ING 100
EAP Through Global Goals33003.5GEC1
 1st Elective Course (ITB)3   4GEE1

2. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
TES 121E
Project II52608EDC2
ARC 120E
Introduction to Computational Design Tools and Methods in Architecture21205EDC2
ARC 106E
Structural Mechanics32207EDC2
MTH 204
Linear Algebra33005BSC2
TES 122E
Visual Communication II: Visualization and Perspective32204EDC2
ING 112A
Basics of Academic Writing22003.5GEC2
DAN 102
Entrepreneurship and Career Advising00201GEC2
 2nd Elective Course (ITB)3   4GEE2

3. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
ING 201A
Essentials of Research Paper Writing22003.5GEC3
ARC 208E
Structural Analysis& Design I32205.5EDC3
ARC 231E
Building Materials32206EDC3
ARC 203E
Building and Construction in Architecture3.53105EDC3
ARC 209E
History of Architecture I33004EDC3
ARC 211E
Architectural Design III52608EDC3

4. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
ARC 210E
History of Architecture II33004EDC4
ARC 213E
Structural Analysis & Design II32205EDC4
ARC 212E
Architectural Design IV52608EDC4
ARC 204E
Architectural Building Element Design43206EDC4
ARC 246E
Environmental Control Studio52606EDC4

5. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
EKO 201E
ARC 351E
Architectural Design V526010EDC5
TUR 121
Turkish I02002GEC5
ARC 333E
Building Production Systems22003EDC5
ARC 306E
Urbanism and Planning Law2.51304EDC5
ARC 322E
Conservation of Historic Buildings and Sites22004EDC5
ARC 304E
History of Architecture III33004EDC5
ARC 301E Build. Inf. Model. (BIM)32204EDC5

6. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
ARC 312E
Architectural Design VI526010EDC6
ARC 361E
Architectural Survey and Restoration Studio32205EDC6
ARC 359E
Construction Management and Economy43206EDC6
TUR 122
Turkish II02002GEC6
 6th Sem. Elective Course2/3   4EDE6
 6th Sem.Elective Course2/3   4EDE6

7. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
ATA 121
History of Turkish Revolution I02002GEC7
ARC 411E
Architectural Design VII526010EDC7
ARC 484E
Construction Project526012EDC7
ARC 401E
Apply. Data Sci. and Mach. Learning33004EDC7
 7th Sem.Elective Course2/3   4EDE7
 7th Sem.Elective Course2/3   4EDE7

8. Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTSTypeCompulsory/ElectiveSemester
ATA 122
History of Turkish Revolution II02002GEC8
ARC 4902E
Diploma Project518018EDC8
 8th Sem. Elective Course2/3   4EDE8