Industrial Engineering Course Plan

Student's Catalog Term: Between 2003-2004 Fall and 2008-2009 Fall Semester
6th Semester Elective Courses

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.
BEB 120Sports and Sciences3300
BEB 121Sports and Technology3300
HUK 211Social Security Law3300
HUK 212Syndicate and Collective Bargaining Law3300
HUK 213Occupational Safety and Health Law3300
HUK 214Protection of Technological Innovations3300
HUK 215Contracts Law3300
HUK 216Telecommunications Law3300
HUK 217R&D Law3300
HUK 218Commercial Law3300
ING 103COProfessional Communication for Engineers3300
ING 103ESIntercultural Citizenship in International Education3300
ING 103SCScience Communication: Theory and Practice for Engineers3300
ISL 465EIntroduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation3300
ISL 478EEntrepreneurship3300
ITB 020Formations of Modernity3300
ITB 020EFormations of Modernity3300
ITB 037Knowledge, Language and Logic3300
ITB 037EKnowledge, Language and Logic3300
ITB 087Media and Society3300
ITB 087EMedia and Society3300
ITB 094International Relations&Globalization3300
ITB 094EInternational Relations&Globalization3300
ITB 095Technology, Policy and Law3300
ITB 095ETechnology, Policy and Law3300
ITB 143Durrel and Said : Orientalism Practiced and Theorized3300
ITB 143EDurell and Said: Orientalism Practice and Theory3300
ITB 151Human Resource Management3300
ITB 151EHuman Resources and Management3300
ITB 171Science, Technology & Society3300
ITB 171EScience,Technology and Society3300
ITB 179Literatures of Intimate Separacies:Vizyones,Seyfettin,Armen3300
ITB 179ELiteratures of Intimate Separacies: Vizyenos,Seyfettin,Armen3300
ITB 201Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences3300
ITB 201EIntroduction to Humanities & Social Sciences3300
ITB 202World History3300
ITB 202EWorld History3300
ITB 203Sociology3300
ITB 203ESociology3300
ITB 204Political Science3300
ITB 204EPolitical Science3300
ITB 205Philosophy3300
ITB 205EPhilosophy3300
ITB 206Issues in World Politics3300
ITB 206EIssues in World Politics3300
ITB 207Ottoman History3300
ITB 207EOttoman History3300
ITB 208Formations of Modern Turkey3300
ITB 208EFormations of Modern Turkey3300
ITB 209Turkey in World Affairs3300
ITB 209ETurkey in World Affairs3300
ITB 211EIstanbul:History,Art and Society3300
ITB 212EArt,Culture and Society3300
ITB 213Toplics in Literature and Society3300
ITB 213ETopics in Literature and Society3300
ITB 215Topics in History and Society3300
ITB 215ETopics in History and Society3300
ITB 216Economy and Society3300
ITB 216EEconomy and Society3300
ITB 217Engineering Ethics3300
ITB 217EEngineering Ethics3300
ITB 218History of Science and Technology3300
ITB 218EHistory of Science and Technology3300
ITB 219Ethics3300
ITB 219EEthics3300
ITB 220Psychology3300
ITB 220EPsychology3300
ITB 221Anatolian Archaeology3300
ITB 222City and Society3300
ITB 222ECity and Society3300
ITB 224Environment and Society3300
ITB 224EEnvironment and Society3300
ITB 226EPhilosophy of Art3300
ITB 227Siyaset Teorisi3300
ITB 227EPolitical Theory3300
ITB 228Gender Studies3300
ITB 228EGender Studies3300
ITB 230Disaster Awareness3300
ITB 231Volunteering Studies3220
ITB 231EVolunteering Studies3220
ITB 233Anthropology3300
ITB 234The Rise of Civilizations3300