Industrial Design Course Plan

Student's Catalog Term: After 2021-2022 Fall Semester
7thSemester Elect.Course I(MT)

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTS
ENT 354EEmotional Design21204
ENT 356EColor in Design21204
ENT 363EVisual Culture and Design21204
ENT 365EFund. of Design Thinking21204
ENT 371EBio-inspired Design21204
ENT 383EDig.Protot.&Manuf. in Ind.Des.21204
ENT 429ESustainable Product Design21204
ENT 431EUser-Experience Design21204
ENT 433EStreet Furniture21204
ENT 434ESeeing in Design21204
ENT 436EVisualization Techniques21204
ENT 445EVisual Design Theory in the Information Age21204
ENT 446EMultimedia Design Studio21204
ENT 447ECreativity in Interaction Dsgn21204
ENT 448EVisual Design21204
ENT 450EInter.Between21thCent.Art&Dsgn21204
ENT 453EBasic Princip. of Yacht Dsgn21204
ENT 454ETraditional Handcrafts21204
ENT 456EFashion Accessories Design21204
ENT 460EIntrct Btwn 20th Cnt Art& Dsgn21204
ENT 462EVisual Merchandising and Retail Desing21204
ENT 475EIntro. to Automotive Design21204
ICM 4013EEnvironmental Psychology22004
ICM 4016EDesign Culture22004
ICM 4018EConcepts in History of Architecture33004
ICM 4021EDigital Representation Techniques for Interior Design21204
ICM 4025EHealth and Design22004
ICM 4026EHistory of Art and Culture33004
ISL 458EIntellectual Property Law33004
ISL 460EE-Marketing33004
MAT 271EProbability and Statistics33005
MIM 4010ETheories of Architectural Dsgn21204
MIM 4012EEnvir.Dsg.for the Dis.&Elderly22004
MIM 4012EEnvir.Dsg.for the Dis.&Elderly22004
MIM 4046ESocial Psychology22004
MIM 4048EArchit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.22004
MIM 4055EArt of the 20th Century22004
MIM 4055EArt of the 20th Century22004
MIM 4059EArchitecture Today22004
MIM 4078EHistory of Art and Culture22004
MYZ 306EArtificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design33006
PEM 4015EExperim.Studies on Place&Desg22004
PEM 4019ESocial Asspect of Landsc.Arch.22004
PEM 4022EUrban Furniture and Space22004
SBP 4029EOther Worlds22004
SBP 4032ERole of Sustainability22004