Architecture Course Plan

Student's Catalog Term: Before 2001-2002 Fall Semester
8th Semester Elective Courses I

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.
EUT 354EEmotional Design3300
EUT 356EColor in Design3220
EUT 363EVisual Culture and Design3220
EUT 365EFundamentals of Design Thinking3300
GSB 313Drawing in Architecture3300
GSB 313EDrawing in Architecture3300
GSB 323Photography and Architecture3300
GSB 323EPhotography and Architecture3300
GSB 333Imrovized Play and Act²ng3300
GSB 333EImrovized Play and Actıng3300
GSB 343Visual Analysis3300
GSB 343EVisual Analysis3300
GSB 353Introduction to Digital Imaging with Photoshop 5.53300
GSB Dig.Imag.with Phtshp5.53300
GSB 363Ceramic Applications in Architecture3300
GSB 363ECeramic Applications in Archi.3300
ICM 317Environmental Psychology3300
ICM 317EEnvironmental Psychology3300
ICM 323Theory of Color3300
ICM 323ETheory of Color3300
ICM 353EHealth and Design3300
ICM 360ESocial Transformation, Gender and Space3300
ICM 362EUrban Interiors3300
ICM 364Residential Interior Design3300
ICM 364EResidential Interior Design3300
MIM 252Theories of Architectural Design3300
MIM 252ETheories of Architectural Design3300
MIM 310Traditional and Contemporary Turkish House3300
MIM 310ETraditional and Contemporary Turkish House3300
MIM 315Acoustical Problems in Architecture3300
MIM 316Space Use and Evaluation in Housing3300
MIM 316ESpace Use and Evaluation in Housing3300
MIM 318Computer Appl. in Evaluation of Climatic Perf. of Built Env.3300
MIM 320Roof Systems3300
MIM 320ERoof Systems3300
MIM 324Arch. and Urban Spatial Iden. and the New Buildings Design3300
MIM 324EArch. and Urban Spatial Iden. and the New Buildings Design3300
MIM 325Acoustical Design of Halls3300
MIM 326Acoustical Problems in Theatre and Concert Halls3300
MIM 326EAcoustical Problems in Theatre and Concert Halls3300
MIM 328EContemporary Building Materials3300
MIM 330Vertical Circulation Systems3300
MIM 330EVertical Circulation Systems3300
MIM 334Architecture and Psychology3300
MIM 334EArchitecture and Psychology3300
MIM 335Energy Efficient Housing3300
MIM 336Spatial Analysis and Techniques in Architecture3300
MIM 336ESpatial Analysis and Techniques in Architecture3300
MIM 340ECatering Design3300
MIM 342Landscape Design and Construction Principles3220
MIM 344Information Technology in Architecture3300
MIM 344EInformation Technology in Architecture3300
MIM 345Architectural Theory and Modernism3300
MIM 347Digital Graphics and Representation3220
MIM 347EDigital Graphics and Representation3220
MIM 348Material Selection in Construction3300
MIM 348EMaterial Selection in Construction3300
MIM 349Introduction to Materials in Architecture3300
MIM 349EIntroduction to Materials in Architecture3300
MIM 350Shadow in Perspective3300
MIM 350EShadow in Perspective3300
MIM 352Structural System Design3300
MIM 353EIntroduction to the History of Architecture3300
MIM 355EArchitecture and Interdisciplinary Studies3300
MIM 356Photography3300
MIM 356EPhotography3300
MIM 358Protective Building Materials3300
MIM 358EProtective Building Materials3300
MIM 360EDesign Principles of Building Elements3300
MIM 362Sustainable Building Materials3300
MIM 364Design with Natural Aspects3300
MIM 364EDesign with Natural Aspects3300
MIM 366Visual Communication in Architecture3300
MIM 366EFree Hand Drawing in Architecture3300
MIM 368Structural Materials3300
MIM 368EStructural Materials3300
MIM 370Internal Sub-Division Systems in Buildings3300
MIM 370EInternal Sub-Division Systems in Buildings3300
MIM 371EByzantine Heritage in İstanbul3300
MIM 372Utlitazion of Concrete Technology in Architecture3300
MIM 372EUtlitazion of Concrete Technology in Architecture3300
MIM 373EDevelopment of Istanbul from the 19th Century to the Present3300
MIM 374Architectural Drawing Standarts and Technical Specifications3300
MIM 374EArchitectural Drawing Standarts and Technical Specifications3300
MIM 375Settlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities3300
MIM 375ESettlement and Architecture in Ancient Anatolian Cities3300
MIM 376Computer Aided Shadowing in Buildings and Settlement3300
MIM 376EComputer Aided Shadowing in Buildings and Settlement3300
MIM 379Wood in Architectural Design and Construction3300
MIM 379EWood in Architectural Design and Construction3300
MIM 380EExternal Wall Systems3300
MIM 381EStructural Systems in Architecture3300
MIM 382EModernism and Contemporary Architecture in the Balkans3300
MIM 384Morphological Studies in Architecture3300
MIM 384EMorphological Studies in Architecture3300
MIM 390Methods of Environmental Analysis in Architecture3300
MIM 390EMethods of Environmental Analysis in Architecture3300
MIM 392Contents of Architecture3300
MIM 392EContents of Architecture3300
MIM 394Solar Architecture3300
MIM 394ESolar Architecture3300
MIM 398Lighting in Cultural and Art Centers3300
MIM 398ELighting in Cultural and Art Centers3300
MIM 412Garden Designs in History and Architecture3300
MIM 412EGarden Designs in History and Architecture3300
MIM 413EArt of the 20th Century3300
MIM 415EHousing Design Philosophy of Contemporary Architecture3300
MIM 418EDesign and Fabrication Techniques in Architecture3220
MIM 420Logic and Theory of Design3300
MIM 423Architecture After 19603300
MIM 423EArchitecture After 19603300
MIM 425Architecture Today3300
MIM 426ENowadays Architectural Thought and its Reflection on Design3300
MIM 427Restoration of Cultural Property3300
MIM 428EDesign Drawing:Practical and Conceptual Approach3300
MIM 429Topographical Practices:Architecture, Art and the City3300
MIM 429ETopographical Practices:Architecture, Art and the City3300
MIM 432EEntrepreneurship in Construction Industry3300
MIM 433Infill Problems in Urban Historic Sites3300
MIM 434Conservation Problems in Istanbul3300
MIM 435Modern Concepts of Architectural Conservation3300
MIM 436Introduction to Conservation Science3300
MIM 436EIntroduction to Conservation Science3300
MIM 437EAnalyses and Critics on Contemporary World Architecture3300
MIM 438Surveying with Optical and Electronic Equipment3300
MIM 438ESurveying with Optical and Electronic Equipment3300
MIM 439EComputer Applications in Architecture3300
MIM 440Generating Livable Environments3300
MIM 441Preservation Practices at Archaelogical Sites3300
MIM 441EPreservation Practices at Archaelogical Sites3300
MIM 442EDetail Design Methods of Contemporary Architecture3300
MIM 444Revitalization of Historic Buildings3300
MIM 446Historical Settlements and Space Culture3300
MIM 446EHistorical Settlements and Space Culture3300
MIM 452EGrand Projects in the History of İstanbul3300
MIM 455EHuman Resource Management in Building Construction3300
MIM 456Polymeric Building Materials in Architecture3300
MIM 457EProblems of Housing Planning and Design3300
MIM 458Light-Weight Structural Systems3300
MIM 459EIdeological Dimension at Architectural Design3300
MIM 460Solar House3300
MIM 461EAccessibility and Inclusive Design3300
MIM 462Contemporary Design within Historical Settings3300
MIM 463EGeometry in Architectural Composition3300
MIM 464Architecture and Society in Antiquity3300
MIM 464EArchitecture and Society in Antiquity3300
MIM 465EBuilding Sub-Structure and Ground3300
MIM 466Architecture and Its Effects3300
MIM 466EArchitecture and Its Effects3300
MIM 468EArchitectural Visualization in Virtual Reality3220
MIM 471Earthquake Resistant Building Design3300
MIM 472Wood and Wood Composites in Architecture3300
MIM 474EComputational Space Anlaysis3300
MIM 475Architectural Design of High-Rise Buildings3300
MIM 475EArchitectural Design of High-Rise Buildings3300
MIM 478Studies on the Architecture of the Late Ottoman Era in Turkey3300
MIM 478EStudies on the Architecture of the Late Ottoman Era in Turkey3300
MIM 480The Changing Workplace3300
MIM 481Layers of Istanbul3300
MIM 481ELayers of Istanbul3300
MIM 482Architecture,Cities and Cinema3300
MIM 482EArchitecture, Cities and Cinema3300
MIM 485EBuilding Construction Techniques3300
MIM 489Housing Production Models in Turkey3300
MIM 489EHousing Production Models in Turkey3300
MIM 491EArchitectural Morphology3300
MIM 493EDesign Economics3300
MIM 494ESpecial Topics of Construction Project Management3300
MIM 495EHousing in Developing Countries3300
MIM 497ETime Management in Building Production3300
PEM 317EUrban Furniture and Space3300
PEM 340Urban Sociology3300
PEM 347ESocial Asspect of Landscape Architecture3300
PEM 431Experimental Studies on Place & Desing3300
SBP 354EUrban Geography and Inequalities3300
SBP 357ELarge Scale Urban Projects3300
SBP 358EReal Estate Economics3300
SBP 417Urban Development Process3300
SBP 418Participation in Planning3300
SBP 418EParticipation in Planning3300
SBP 433EHealthy Cities3300
SBP 436Universal Design for Urban Environment3300
SBP 436EUniversal Design for Urban Environment3300
SBP 448Urban Identity and Image3300
SBP 448EUrban Identity and Image3300
SBP 450Models and Implementations of Urban Regeneration3300
SBP 450EModels and Implementations of Urban Regeneration3300
SBP 457ESocial Policy and Planning3300
SBP 467ESquatter Phenomenon3300
SBP 487EPlanning and Designe for Urban Space3300