Architecture Course Plan

Student's Catalog Term: After 2021-2022 Fall Semester
7th Elective Course I (MT)

Course CodeCourse TitleCreditTheoreticalTutorialLab.ECTS
ENT 354EEmotional Design21204
ENT 356EColor in Design21204
ENT 365EFund. of Design Thinking21204
GSB 313EDrawing in Architecture33004
GSB 323EPhotography and Architecture33004
GSB 333EImrovized Play and Actıng33004
GSB 343EVisual Analysis33004
GSB Dig.Imag.with Phtshp5.53300
GSB 363ECeramic Applications in Archi.33004
ICM 4013EEnvironmental Psychology22004
ICM 4025EHealth and Design22004
ICM 4035ESocial Transform.,Gender&Space22004
ICM 4041EUrban Interiors22004
MIM 4010ETheories of Architectural Dsgn21204
MIM 4011EPhotography21204
MIM 4012EEnvir.Dsg.for the Dis.&Elderly22004
MIM 4013EArchitecture and Its Effects22004
MIM 4014EDesign with Natural Aspects22004
MIM 4031EArchitect Sinan22004
MIM 4046ESocial Psychology22004
MIM 4047EEnergy Efficient Housing21204
MIM 4048EArchit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.22004
MIM 4049EDsgn Princ of Buildng Elements21204
MIM 4050EFree Hand Architecture21204
MIM 4051EUtlitazion of Concrete Technology in Architecture22004
MIM 4052ECities and Architecture21204
MIM 4053ETall Building Structures22004
MIM 4055EArt of the 20th Century22004
MIM 4056EDesign & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.21204
MIM 4057ELogic and Theory of Design22004
MIM 4058EArchitecture After 196022004
MIM 4059EArchitecture Today22004
MIM 4060ERestoration of Cultural Prop.22004
MIM 4061EDesg.Draw.:Pract.&Concep.Appr.22004
MIM 4062ETopog.Pract.Arch.,Art&theCity21204
MIM 4063EInfill Urban Hist.Site21204
MIM 4064EMdrn Cncpts of Archtctrl Consv22004
MIM 4065EArch.Survey& Hist.Sites21204
MIM 4066EGenerating Livable Environment22004
MIM 4067EDet.Dsgn.Meth.ofContemp.Arch.21204
MIM 4068EBuildng Sub-Structure & Ground21204
MIM 4069EEarthquake Resist.Building Dsg22004
MIM 4070EComputational Space Anlaysis21204
MIM 4071EThe Changing Workplace22004
MIM 4072EArchitecture,Cities and Cinema22004
MIM 4073EBuilding Constructn Techniques21204
MIM 4074EStru.Sys.Pro.of Mon.&Hist.Cons22004
MIM 4075ESpec.Top.of Const.Proj.Manag.22004
MIM 4076ETime Building Prod.22004
MIM 4077EDesign Comp. by Natural Syst.21204
MIM 4078EHistory of Art and Culture22004
MIM 4082EModernism and Contemporary Architecture in Yugoslavia22004
MIM 4085EByzantine Heritage inİstanbul22004
MYZ 306EArtificial Intelligence in Architecture, Planning and Design33006
PEM 4015EExperim.Studies on Place&Desg22004
PEM 4019ESocial Asspect of Landsc.Arch.22004
PEM 4022EUrban Furniture and Space22004
SBP 4017EUniv.Dsgn.for Urban Environm.21204
SBP 4018EModels & Impl.of Urban Regenr.22004
SBP 4022EParticipation in Planning21204
SBP 4026EHealthy Cities21204
SBP 4027ELarge Scale Urban Projects22004
SBP 4031EReal Estate Economics22004
SBP 4039EUrban Geography&Inequalities22004