Kontenjan Artırımı Yapılacak Dersler

Kontenjanlar, 30.06.2024 21:00:00'de artırılmak üzere Yeni Öğrenci Bilgi Sistemine iletildi.

CRN Ders Kodu Ders No Ders Adı Mevcut Kontenjan Yeni Kontenjan Rezerve
30320 AKM 204E Fluid Mechanics 25 30
30294 ATA 121 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I 50 55
30296 ATA 121 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I 50 55
30291 ATA 121 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I 30 40
30298 ATA 121 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I 50 55
30290 ATA 121 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh I 30 40
30297 ATA 122 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh II 50 55
30295 ATA 122 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh II 50 55
30299 ATA 122 Atatürk İlk & İnkılap Trh II 50 55
30167 BIL 100E Intr.to Prog.Language(PYTHON) 120 200
30168 BIL 100E Intr.to Prog.Language(PYTHON) 120 200
30130 CAB 243 Yrd.Çalgı Piyano III 10 15
30131 CAB 343 Yrd.Çalgı Piyano V 10 15
30304 DUI 311E Celestial Navigation 25 30
30306 DUI 361E Technical Ship Management 25 30
30181 DUI 472 Oşinografi 30 32
30383 FIZ 101E Physics I 120 140
30135 FIZ 101E Physics I 80 140
30136 FIZ 101E Physics I 80 140
30384 FIZ 101E Physics I 120 140
30137 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30138 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30139 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30140 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30141 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30382 FIZ 102E Physics II 120 140
30142 FIZ 102E Physics II 80 140
30222 FIZ 201E Modern Physics 50 80
30352 GEO 216E Computer Aided Map Design 30 35
30353 GEO 220E Mathematics for Geomatics Eng. 30 40
30354 GEO 225E Prob.and Stat. for Geom. Eng. 40 50
30308 GMI 132E Numerical Analy. of Eng.Syst. 20 25
30309 GMI 213E Thermodynamics 25 35
30310 GMI 228 Temel Elektronik 15 25
30312 GMI 341E Automatic Control Systems 15 20
30313 GMI 454 Gemi Yardımcı Makineleri II 15 18
30314 GMI 471E Refrigeration and HVAC Systems 15 25
30183 GMI 481E Marine Insurance 25 30
30184 GMI 486E Shipping Finance 25 27
30165 HUK 201 İş Hukuku 120 180
30169 ICM 366E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio III 5 7
30170 ICM 449E Interior Arch.Desgn Studio IV 5 7
30080 ING 100 EAP Through Global Goals 20 26
30079 ING 100 EAP Through Global Goals 20 26
30089 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30088 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30087 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30086 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30085 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30084 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30083 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30082 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30081 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30090 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30091 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30092 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30093 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30094 ING 112A Basics of Academic Writing 20 28
30106 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30107 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30108 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30109 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30105 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30095 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30096 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30097 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30098 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30099 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30100 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30101 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30102 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30103 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30104 ING 201A Essentials of Res.Paper Writ. 20 28
30110 INS 102 Statik 50 70
30112 INS 217 Mukavemet I 25 35
30293 INS 302E Highway Engineering 25 30
30211 INS 403E Earthworks 50 60
30200 ITB 203 Sosyoloji 35 40
30202 ITB 207 Osmanlı Tarihi 30 40
30203 ITB 207 Osmanlı Tarihi 30 40
30201 ITB 207 Osmanlı Tarihi 30 40
30205 ITB 214E The Modern Middle East 30 40
30204 ITB 214E The Modern Middle East 30 40
30207 ITB 218 Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi 30 35
30208 ITB 218 Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi 30 35
30206 ITB 218 Bilim ve Teknoloji Tarihi 30 35
30191 KIM 101 Genel Kimya I 130 140
30192 KIM 101E General Chemistry I 130 160
30193 KIM 101E General Chemistry I 130 160
30195 KIM 326E Introduction to Biochemistry 50 60
30115 MAT 103E Mathematics I 125 150
30116 MAT 103E Mathematics I 125 150
30117 MAT 103E Mathematics I 125 150
30118 MAT 103E Mathematics I 125 150
30122 MAT 104E Mathematics II 125 150
30121 MAT 104E Mathematics II 125 150
30119 MAT 104E Mathematics II 125 150
30120 MAT 104E Mathematics II 125 150
30123 MAT 287 Matematik III 50 80
30134 MAT 345E Complex Analysis 50 80
30190 MTO 340 Atmosfer Dinamiği II 30 50
30300 MUK 211E Strength of Materials 30 50
30355 PEM 311E Landscape Design II 10 12
30143 SNT 103 Desen 20 23
30144 SNT 103 Desen 20 23
30145 SNT 103 Desen 20 22
30146 SNT 103 Desen 20 22
30147 SNT 103E Drawing 20 22
30148 SNT 104 Mitoloji ve Sanat 20 22
30149 SNT 105E Film Art 40 55
30150 SNT 106 Geleneks. Türk El Sanatları 25 30
30151 SNT 107 İlkçağ Anadolu Uygarlıkları 25 30
30152 SNT 112 Tiyatro 20 30
30153 SNT 112 Tiyatro 20 30
30154 SNT 113 Sanat ve Yorum 25 28
30155 SNT 113 Sanat ve Yorum 25 28
30157 SNT 211E Istanbul:Hist.,Art and Society 25 30
30158 SNT 214 Performans, Müzik ve Dans 20 22
30128 THO 409 20.yy'da Dans 10 15
30161 TUR 121 Türk Dili I 50 60
30159 TUR 121 Türk Dili I 50 60
30160 TUR 121 Türk Dili I 50 60
30164 TUR 122 Türk Dili II 50 60
30162 TUR 122 Türk Dili II 50 60
30163 TUR 122 Türk Dili II 50 60
30281 UCK 207E Thermodynamics 30 85
30186 UCK 305E Aerodynamics 30 60
30351 UCK 322E Flight Mechanics 30 60
30282 UCK 421 Tepki ile Tahrik 30 40
30187 UZB 310E Compressible Aerodynamics 30 60