Kod |
Ders Adı |
Dili |
Türü |
JEO 446E |
Çevre Jeokimyası |
İngilizce |
Seçmeli |
Kredi |
Ders |
Uygulama |
Laboratuvar |
3 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Dersin Önşartı ve Sınıf Kısıtı |
Ders Önşartı |
Yok |
Sınıf Kısıtı |
Yok |
Ders Tanımı |
General information about health. History, subject, goal, task and significance of medical geology. Environment
of life and geological environment. Basic features of the geological environment. Characteristics of geological
factors and their influence on human health. The geography of disease (Nosogeography). Subject and tasks of
geological and medical disciplines in defining quality of the environment and its influence on human health.
Methods of medical geology. Use of applied medical geology results in economy and health care.