Kod |
Ders Adı |
Dili |
Türü |
MET 483E |
Hasarsız Malzeme Muayenesine Giriş |
İngilizce |
Seçmeli |
Kredi |
Ders |
Uygulama |
Laboratuvar |
2 |
3 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Dersin Önşartı ve Sınıf Kısıtı |
Ders Önşartı |
Yok |
Sınıf Kısıtı |
Yok |
Ders Tanımı |
Non Destructive testing methods have a significant importance in production and service operations as far as the quality assurance
of products are concern. This course will provide a wide range of information on nondestructive testing methods and their
applications. The Scope of NDT, The Need and the Definition of NDT, Comparison of Destructive and Non Destructive Testing
Techniques, NDT methods, Liquit Penetrant Testing, , Magnetic Particle Testing Ultrasonic testing, Radiographic Testing, , Eddy
Current Testing , Other NDT tests and their applications.