Kod |
Ders Adı |
Dili |
Türü |
MET 4902E |
Met. Malz. Müh. Tasarımı II |
İngilizce |
Zorunlu |
Kredi |
Ders |
Uygulama |
Laboratuvar |
4 |
9 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
Dersin Önşartı ve Sınıf Kısıtı |
Ders Önşartı |
MET 4901 MIN BB veya MET 4901E MIN BB
Sınıf Kısıtı |
Yok |
Ders Tanımı |
It is primarily aimed by this course that students should be able to use all the knowledge they attained through their engineering
education in a specific subject, by carrying out a literature survey and, if required, followed by either an applied or experimental
investigation, and gathering all this information in a written report of proper form. Additionally, they must learn how to follow and
adhere to a work–time plan as scheduled. To develop their individual research capabilities is also targeted.