Endüstriyel Tasarım (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 / Güz Dönemi Sonrası

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
ENT 230EParametric Solid Model.&Design21204
ENT 231EProduct Presentation in Design21204
ENT 233EPerspective21204
ENT 235EModeling for Industrial Design21204
ENT 237EStructure in Industrial Design21204
EUT 206EStatistics21204
ICM 4025EHealth and Design22004
ISL 435EThe World Economy at a Glance33004
MIM 4011EPhotography21204
MIM 4048EArchit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.22004
PEM 4011EEnvironmental Aesthetics22004
PEM 4018ELandscape and Art22004
PEM 4019ESocial Asspect of Landsc.Arch.22004
SBP 4027ELarge Scale Urban Projects22004