Mimarlık (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2017-2018 / Güz ile 2021-2022 / Güz Dönemleri Arası
8th Elective Course I (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
MIM 315EAcoustical Problms in Archtctr33004
MIM 316ESpaceUse&Evaluation inHousing3300
MIM 320ERoof Systems33004
MIM 325EAcoustical Design of Halls33004
MIM 326EAcoust.Prb.inThea.&Cncrt Halls3300
MIM 328EContemporary Building Mater.33004
MIM 330EVertical Circulation Systems33004
MIM 334EArchitecture and Psychology33004
MIM 335EEnergy Efficient Housing33004
MIM 350EShadow in Perspective33004
MIM 355EArchit.&Interdıscıplınary Std.33004
MIM 360EDsgn Princ of Buildng Elements33004
MIM 364EDesign with Natural Aspects3300
MIM 366EFree Hand Draw.in Architecture33004
MIM 368EStructural Materials3300
MIM 370EInternal Sub-Div Sys in Bldngs33004
MIM 371EByzantine Heritage in İstanbul33004
MIM 373EDv.of Ist.frmthe19thC.to thePr33004
MIM 374EArch.Draw.Stand.& Tech.Specif.33004
MIM 375ESettl.&Arch. in Anc.Anatol.Ct.33004
MIM 376ECom.Aid.Shdwn inBuildn.&Sttlm.3300
MIM 377ECities and Architecture33004
MIM 378ETall Building Structures33004
MIM 379EWood in Arch. Design&Construc.33004
MIM 380EExternal Wall Systems33004
MIM 381EStructural Systems in Arch.33004
MIM 382EMod.&Contemp.Arch.intheBalkans33004
MIM 384EMorphological Studies in Archi3300
MIM 390EMethods of Env Analys in Arch33004
MIM 394ESolar Architecture3300
MIM 398ELighting inCultural&ArtCenters3300
MIM 410EArchitect Sinan33004
MIM 412EGarden Des. in History&Arch.33004
MIM 415EHousing Dsg Phil of Contm Arch33004
MIM 418EDesign & Fabric.Tech. in Arch.32204
MIM 420ELogic and Theory of Design33004
MIM 422ECity Form and Architecture3300
MIM 423EArchitecture After 196033004
MIM 425EArchitecture Today33004
MIM 426ENow.Arc.Thought&itsRefl.onDsgn3300
MIM 427ERestoration of Cultural Prop.33004
MIM 429ETopographical Practices33004
MIM 430EConsv of A Wrld Hrtg Site-İst3300
MIM 432EEntrepreneurship in Const.Ind.3300
MIM 433EInfill Prob.in Urban Hist.Site33004
MIM 435EMdrn Cncpts of Archtctrl Consv33004
MIM 437EAnaly.&Crtc.on Cont.Wrld.Arch.33004
MIM 438ESurvy.with Optic.&Elect.Equip.33004
MIM 439EComputer Appl.in Architecture3300
MIM 440EGenerating Livable Environment33004
MIM 441EPreserv.Prac.at Arch.Sites33004
MIM 442EDet.Dsgn.Meth.ofContemp.Arch.33004
MIM 446EHistor.Settlements&Space Cult.3300
MIM 452EGr.Projc.inthe His.of İstanbul33005
MIM 455EHR Mngmnt in Building Const33004
MIM 457EProblems ofHousing Plann.& Dsg33004
MIM 458ELight-Weight Structural System3300
MIM 459EIdeological Dim.at Architc Dsg33004
MIM 460ESolar House33004
MIM 463EGeo.in Architectral Composi.33004
MIM 464EArchitec.&Society in Antiquity3300
MIM 465EBuildng Sub-Structure & Ground33004
MIM 466EArchitecture and Its Effects33004
MIM 468EArc.Visualizat.Virtual Reality32204
MIM 471EEarthquake Resist.Building Dsg33004
MIM 474EComputational Space Anlaysis33004
MIM 475EArchtctrl Dsg of Hgh-Rs Bldngs3300
MIM 478ELate Ottoman Architecture33004
MIM 480EThe Changing Workplace33004
MIM 481ELayers of Istanbul3300
MIM 482EArchitecture,Cities and Cinema33004
MIM 485EBuilding Constructn Techniques33004
MIM 486EStru.Sys.Pro.of Mon.&Hist.Cons33005
MIM 489EHousing Prod. Models in Turkey3300
MIM 491EArchitectural Morphology3300
MIM 493EDesign Economics3300
MIM 494ESpecial Top.of Const.Prj.Manag33004
MIM 495EHousing in Developng Countries33004
MIM 497ETime Mng.in Building Prod.33004
SBP 354EUrban Geography&Inequalities33004
SBP 357ELarge Scale Urban Projects33004
SBP 358EReal Estate Economics33004
SBP 417EUrban Development Process33004
SBP 433EHealthy Cities33004
SBP 436EUniv.Dsgn.for Urban Environm.33004
SBP 448EUrban Identity and Image33004
SBP 450EModels & Impl.of Urban Regenr.33004
SBP 457ESocial Policy and Planning33004
SBP 467ESquatter Phenomenon33004
SBP 487EPlanning&Dsgn for Urban Space33004