Naval Architec.and Marine Eng. Ders Planı

2022-2023 Güz Dönemi Sonrası
8th Sem.Elective Course I(MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
GEM 418ECorrsn & Fouling In Marine Env22005
GEM 420EHigh Speed Craft Design22005
GEM 424EReliability Of Ship Structures22005
GEM 426EHydrodynamic Design of Ships22005
GEM 438EStability of Ships22005
GEM 447EVent & Air Cond Sys For Ships22005
GEM 482EIndividual Graduation Project20405
GEM 484EMech.&Dsgn.of Marine Composit.21205