Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Müh. (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2021-2022 / Güz Dönemi Sonrası
8th Sems.Elect. Course I (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
MYZ 301EInt.toArtificial Intel.for Eng33006
PET 328EGeo-Energy Data Analytics33006
PET 349EComputational Methods in PANGE33006
PET 403EInnovation & Entrepreneurship33006
PET 416EWell Logging II33006
PET 427EProduction Systems Design33006
PET 428ESimulation of Geosystems33006
PET 433EWell Control33006
PET 434EProject Management in PANGE33006
PET 435EOil Trading-Downstream33006
PET 441EEnhanced Oil Recovery33006
PET 447ESelected Topics in PE33006
PET 457EIndividual Study33006
PET 458EPipe-Line Design33006
PET 467EAnly. of Well Pressure Tests33006
PET 468ENatural Gas Processing Eng.33006
PET 487EPetroleum Fuels Market&Segment33006