Tekstil Müh. (%100 İngilizce) Ders Planı

2010-2011/ Güz ile 2017-2018 / Güz Dönemleri Arası
7th Smstr Elective Crse I (MT)

Ders KoduDers AdıKrediDersUyg.Lab.AKTS
TEK 414EStructure&Properties of Fibers33006
TEK 417ETechnical Yarns33006
TEK 418EInt. to Technical Textiles33006
TEK 419ESpecial Woven Fabrics33006
TEK 422EDyeing &Printing Technologies33006
TEK 424EDesign of Knitted Fabrics33006
TEK 452EKnitting Technology II33006
TEK 453ESynthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.33006
TEK 457EPre-treatment Processes33006