Undergraduate Applications of Candidates to be Accepted from Abroad quota for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

International students who are currently seniors or have graduated from a secondary school that offers a curriculum equivalent to a Turkish High School and who satisfy the requirements below may apply to pursue an undergraduate degree at the Istanbul TechnIcal UniversIty (ITU) for 2024-2025 academic year. The quotas for International students per each department and the required credentials are provided below.


  • Prospective students who are in the last year of their secondary education or have graduated from a secondary education institution whose equivalence has been approved by the Turkish Republic Authorities at the high school level and those who provide a sufficient score from one of the exams specified in the attached list can apply to the programs in which the university has announced that it will accept students from abroad.
  • Prospective students who meet the conditions stated in the YÖK’s Principles Regarding the Admission of Students from Abroad can apply to the quota announced for foreign student admission.




E) DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO BE UPLOADED IN PDF FORMAT FOR APPLICATION  Both original and translated documents to English or Turkish should be uploaded.

WARNING: Authenticity of documents uploaded by the applicants who are eligible to register will be verified by relevant Institutions. The applications including forged documents will be considered as Invalid, rejected and a legal action will be initiated against the applicant.

  • 1.High School Diploma:The original high school diploma (if the diploma is not in Turkish or English, a Turkish or English translation approved by the notary public, district governorship in Turkey or Turkish Foreign Representatives should also be uploaded.). Prospective students who have not yet received their diploma are required to upload an official document showing that they will graduate from their high school on a certain date. (The applicants need to submit an Equivalency Certificate taken from the Turkish Ministry of Education or Turkish Embassies in their countries and confirming the equivalency of the applicant's diploma to a Turkish high school diploma during registration.)
  • 2.Official Transcript:Official transcripts of the candidates showing the courses and grades of all the years they have taken during their high school education and the transcripts must be approved by the relevant High School Directorate (if the transcript is not in Turkish or English, a Turkish or English translation approved by the notary public, district governorship in Turkey or Turkish Foreign Representatives should also be uploaded.) If the applicant still continues his/her study In another university or graduated from a university, the transcript taken from the other university need to be also uploaded.
  • 3.Valid Test Result: The original exam report to be used In applicatIon or its approved English or Turkish translation need to be uploaded. Only the exams above-mentioned are accepted. It is not possible to apply wIth any other exams or test scores lower than those presented in article B.
  • 4. Photocopy of Passport: Students havIng passports can upload a photocopy of the IdentIfIcatIon page (wIth the photograph) of theIr passports. It Is not necessary to be approved. Students who do not have a passport must upload an ID from their home country.
  • 5. Blue Card(from TurkIsh Government): Students who do not have Blue Cards are not required to upload anythIng.
  • 6.Residence Permit: Students who do not have Residence Permits are not required to upload anything. Student residence permit procedures will be made by the university after enrollment to the university. Click here for the relevant link.
  • 7.Statement of Purpose:Students who want to apply for Textile Development and Marketing Program, Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design, are required to upload a writing Statement of Purpose which includes 300 words at most and states the requests and justifications of students to enroll in the program.

F) Programs Accepting With Interview, Elimination and Final Acceptance Exams

  • Fashion Design Program:It is required that Pre-registration from the system have to be done between 5 - 16 August 2024 and the prepared PORTFOLIO FILES (https://tekstil.itu.edu.tr/egitim/lisans-programlari/moda-tasarimi) have to be submitted as ONE “pdf” file format to BOTH Prof. Dr.Cevza CANDAN; cevza.candan@gmail.com and kucukyilmazm@itu.edu.tr by 16 August 2024 until 17: 00 p.m. If the pages of the portfolios are prepared SINGLE and MORE THAN ONE "pdf" file, the application will not be considered. On Monday, August 19, 2024, between 10:00-12:00, general talent drawing exam will be held at ITU Gümüşsuyu Campus Technical Drawing classes. Between 19 August 2024 (Monday, starting at 13:30) - 21 August 2024 (until Wednesday 17:30); Prospective students will be interviewed FACE-to-Face in ITU Gümüşsuyu Campus, Textile Technologies and Design Faculty Dean's Meeting Hall, in accordance with their application order.

  • Textile Development and Marketing Program:It will be held at ITU Gümüşsuyu Campus, Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design, Visual Education Center on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 10:00 and prospective students will attend the meeting in which the interview issues will be explained. Then, the prospective students will take the "Vocational Tendency Determination" written exam. On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 13.00, student interviews will begin face to face at the Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design at ITU. Interviews will be held according to the interview list arranged in accordance with the application order to be announced on the same day. Prospective students are required to have the "Preference Letter" with them during the interview, which consists of 300 words and explains the reasons for choosing the program, to be given during the interview.

  • All Programs of the Turkish Music State Conservatory:Prospective students applying to the Turkish Music State Conservatory Programs from abroad will take the Qualifying Exam on August 20, 2024 at 10:00 in the Music Theory Department. Prospective Students who score at least 50 (fifty) points out of 100 (one hundred) for all sections in the Qualifying Exam are entitled to take the final admission exam organized by the departments. Final Admission Exams of students who are successful in the qualifying exam will be held on 21 August 2024 at 10:00 at the relevant department chairs. In Final Admission Exams, the base score is at least 70 (seventy) points out of 100 (one hundred) for all departments.



  • The evaluation process and placement of applicants are at the discretion of ITU. ITU is permissive to fulfill the quotas. MeetIng the applicatIon requirements does not guarantee admittance to the University.
  • Within the framework of the principles determined by our University Senate, the valid exam result of the candidate student whose application is approved will be converted into the hundredth system and an evaluation score will be created.The program's placement process will be done primarily with the evaluation score.
  • Candidates can make a maximum of 10 choices.The placement of the candidate student will be based on the candidate's preference priority. A candidate student who is a principal in one program cannot be a principal and substitute in another program. Prospective student can be a substitute in more than one program.
  • Following the review and evaluation of applications, results will be announced on the university web page (www.sis.itu.edu.tr). An officIal letter of acceptance will be e-mailed to the accepted applicants. Accepted students need to receive a student visa from Turkish Embassies in their home countries (or the closest ones) with their Letter of Acceptance. A visa is definitely required to enter Turkey and to enroll at ITU.
  • Accepted students are required to submit the tuition fee determined by the Council of Ministers In that academic year during registration. Registration will only be complete following full payment of tuition fee.; Otherwise, their applications will be cancelled and they will lose their right to register. After the payment of the tuition fee, students who give up their right to register will not be definitely refunded. The candidates will be Informed about the deadlines and necessary documents to be required for registration and those will be announced on the university web page. The health expenses of International students wIll be covered through their health insurance and met by students themselves.


  • An English proficiency test result accepted by ITU Senate need to be submitted during registration to take courses at undergraduate programs. Students who faIl to provide a passing English Proficiency exam report requested will be requIred to complete EnglIsh Preparation Course In ITU's College of Foreign Language for a year.
  • During registration, students who obtain the required score on their English Proficiency exam will be exempted from the English Preparation class and can directly enrol in their undergraduate program.
  • Turkish Proficiency Certificates are only valid if they are obtained from the Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center of the University or from Yunus Emre Institutes abroad.
  • Students who are accepted to the departments where the medium of instruction is 100% English are required to submit at least a B1 level Turkish Proficiency Certificate obtained by the centers determined by the ITU Senate within one (1) year from the date of registration.
  • Students who are accepted to departments taught in at least 30% English programs of the faculties and students who are accepted to the Turkish Music State Conservatory (except for the 100% English-taught musicology program) are required to submit a C1 level Turkish Proficiency Certificate to the Student Registrar’s Office. The certificate must be obtained from centers determined by the ITU Senate within one (1) year from the date of registration in order to start the program in which they have registered. Students who fail to certify a C1 level of Turkish language during this period have an additional one (1) year to retake the Turkish Proficiency Exam and fulfil the language criteria. Students who do not obtain a Turkish Proficiency Certificate are not able to start the program in which they have registered or the English Preparatory School. Students who submit a Turkish Proficiency Certificate at the end of the legal period are able to start the English Preparatory School. Students who fail to submit a Turkish Proficiency Certificate to the Student Registrar’s Office within the legal deadline will be dismissed from school. However; students who submit a C1 level Turkish Proficiency Certificate at the end of the first semester can start their education in the second semester of the academic year on condition that they also submit one of the English Proficiency Certificates accepted by the ITU Senate. International students who have graduated from a high school in Turkey and are accepted to 30% English or 100% English programs are not required to submit a Turkish Proficiency Certificate.
English Proficiency Exams accepted by ITU Senate and minimum requIrements: