2024-2025 Academic Year-Undergraduate Level Foreign Student Admission Registration

Registration Dates: 03 September 2024 - 05 September 2024 4:00 PM Local Time ( UTC/GMT+3 )

Registration Place: Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus Registrar’s Office

Documents Required

1- Exam/Diploma Score: The original of the exam result/diploma used in the application.(SAT,ACT, etc.), If you have used SAT, ACT etc. exam results for application, you can print the result page from the relevant web page of the exam. If you have used diploma scores such as IB, Matura, ABITUR, you must submit the original document.

2- The original High School Diploma: If it is not in English or Turkish, its Turkish or English translation approved by the notary, district governor or consulate should be submitted.

3- The original high school transcripts: If they are not in English or Turkish, its Turkish or English translation approved by the notary, district governor or consulate should be submitted.

4- High School Diploma Equivalency Certificate, Equivalency certificate can be obtained from the National Education Directorates in Turkey. However, since this process can take a long time, we recommend that you get your equivalence certificate from the Turkish consulates in your country. It is important that the equivalence certificate is verifiable.

5- Original and copy of valid passport containing student or tourist visa, and copy of the page with the last entry date stamp into Turkey.

6- Entry-exit document obtained from the General Directorate of Security or E-government from Turkish students who have completed high school abroad.

7- Original and copy of your Blue Card (if you have) and A copy of the civil registration certificate showing that the person has renounced citizenship

8- Original and copy of your Residence Permit Card (if you have)

9- Bank receipt showing that the semester tuition fee has been paid (You can access the tuition fees list by clicking here. You must make your payments to Vakıfbank branches with your student number. Do not pay to any IBAN number!)

10- Letter of Undertaking (Click here for the letter of undertaking and fill in the relevant fields.)

11- 4 Photographs


Student tuition fees can be paid to Vakıf Bank branches as of 03 September 2024 until 05 September 2024 by specifying the student number.

If there is a difference between the names of your identity documents and other documents, the additional documents requested during the pre-registration must also be submitted. (Birth certificate, consular name document, proof of birth certificate)

- Students who later acquired Turkish citizenship, must submit the following documents;

-Citizenship acquisition document or Name equivalence document

-Certificate of population registration with a certificate (in which the information of your acquisition of citizenship is included in the explanation section - All family members) You can only obtain it from the nearest Population Directorate.

-A photocopy of the latest residence permit document

-A photocopy of the passport of the other citizenship(ies)

-A document of settlement (residence) and other address obtained from the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship (A barcoded document obtained from e-government is valid)

-A photocopy of the front and back copies of the Turkish Republic ID card or a photocopy of the Turkish Republic passport