2024-2025 Fall Semester International Undergraduate Admissions


Click the link http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/onkayitlar/lsyabanci/basvuru/


A) First Step: Registration (First Use)

Please enter your name, middle name (if available) ,surname, e-mail address and Security code appeared in the page and click the submit button. The system will automatically create your Candidate Number  and Password  and send this information to your e-mail address you sumbitted.

B) Second Step: Application Forms

Please enter the Candidate Number, Password  you received by e-mail and Security code appeared in the page to enter the application  forms.

1- Click the link “Update Information and Preferences

Enter your Personal Information and upload your photo.

Enter your Contact Information.

Enter your Graduation Information.

Select your Program Preferences for application (In the prefered sequence).

Click the submit button.

The areas with * sign are required fields.

2- Click the link “Standardized Test Score Etc.

Enter the required values and click the submit button.

3- Click the link “Upload or View Document

Upload all the required documents

4- Click the link “Complete Submission

Click the button “Complete Submission”  if your all data entry is completed and you are sure to finalize.

If you want to make changes or update anything after finalizing your submission, you have to click the link under your form until it is confirmed by Registrar's office .
Candidates whose application has been approved by the Registrar's Office cannot change their Appointment Dates and Application İnformation.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be sure to check that the information you declared and the documents you added are valid. The applications of candidates who declare incorrect information or documents will be considered invalid.