Ders Kodu Ders Adı Kredi Ders Uyg Lab
MUZ 3319E Accoustic 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3329E Intr. to World Music Culture 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3333E Intr. to Sociology of Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3335E Bibliography Studies 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3334E Intr. to Antropology of Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3336E Fndatns of Ethnmusclgy 3 3 0 0
MUZ 3342E Intr. To Turkish Music Sources 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4329E Intr. to Aesthetic of Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4331E Intr. to Psychology of Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4333E Writing About Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4349E West. Infulunces on Ottmn Mus. 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4332E Intr. to Phylosophy of Music 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4336E Critical Reading and Writing 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4338E Fndtions of Tur.Msclgy 3 3 0 0
MUZ 4346E History of Contemporary Music 3 3 0 0